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第五届(2014)中国智慧供应链巡回论坛 (SCL2014)

来源:网络 作者:佚名 时间:2014-05-16 10:48:28


Every 20 year, Global supply chain is restructuring. 2014 is just animportant point of restructuring year. In year of 2014, the supply chain model of Chinese enterprises is facing a rapid transformationand innovation driven by the Internet economy. Aftertaste industry changes of this year, we have seen too many bloody revolutions, butwe also see new business opportunities are being bred and born.The good news is that there are innovative companies trying to get good overall results, meanwhile many innovative new supply chain models broking out.

During the past 3 years, A.T.Unicorn's supply chain events have successfully attracted 1000+ senior professionals from 300+ manufacturers, retailers& E-commerce, 3PL,and IT companies, consulting institute worldwide. Based on that great success, we are excited to launch the " Fifth (2014) China Smart Supply Chain Circuit Forum"(SCL 2014). There will gather 800+ Senior professionals of Supply Chain with a key focus on excellent solutions and best practices of Warehousing and distribution centers of Manufacturers, Retailers, E-commerce. A.T.Unicorn will continued to present you a strategic platform to witness the newest technologies and achievements, access the best strategies and innovations which really work in China and improve your supply chain performance.

更多详情请查看网站: http://www.atunicorn.com/2014SCL/index.asp


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